1. Download the desired P990 NIGHTLY
version to update to.
2. Download fix for P990 NIGHTLY, to
make it compatible with SU660. Follow instructions to convert P990 rom to a
SU660 compatible rom.
LINK: https://code.google.com/p/openstar2x/download
3. Download the latest Kowalski Kernel
for SU660
4. Download the IntSD-MountFix.zip (in
case internal SD card won't mount)
5. Copy all files into external SD card
and flash them in order (NIGHTLY, Kernel, Fix) in recovery mode.
List of all NIGHTLIES with change
logs for P990 (http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#/p990/next)
1. Links here may or may not be updated with the
latest version of each zip file (I'd say about 90% chance they are updated).
Refer to google (xda-developers,
etc.) to verify the latest versions of each software just in case.
2. This guide only works if you are
running an LG Optimus 2X (SU660) currently running on any build of CM10.1
NIGHTLY, and you wish to update to a later version.
3. This can also be followed to
downgrade your NIGHTLY.
This text is from,
Kristen Cyril Aquino (mail -
Thanks mate!